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Road Closure Extention: Glover Road
*** Extension *** Temporary Road Closure Glover Road, Rymal Road to Twenty Road September 25, 2023 to November 28, 2023 For water & sewer...

Flashing Green Light on Vehicle: What does it Mean?
If you see a vehicle with a green light flashing in #HamOnt, it's a volunteer firefighter responding to an emergency. Let's all play our...

Government: What Level Does What?
So, you know you want info, or need help, and you know you need someone in government to help, but how do you know which level of...

November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month

Road Closure Glover/Dickenson area
#road #roadclosures #roadwork

Feedback Requested: Stormwater Incentives Program
With the change to the City of Hamilton’s stormwater funding model, you are invited to provide feedback on a new stormwater incentive...

Hamilton Day 2023
Hamilton Day is a city-wide celebration that supports small businesses across Hamilton, Ontario. Bursting with community pride and...

Beat the Heat: ACORN Hamilton + CityLAB Adequate Temperature Tenant Survey 2023
This survey is being sent out to help gather information about tenant experiences with extreme heat and cooling in the city of Hamilton....

Glanbrook Remembrance Day Service – November 5, 2-3pm.
Lest We Forget… Please join us at our Remembrance Day Service in Glanbrook to honour Hamilton’s veterans and service men and women. The...

This past Sunday, October 15th, I joined the coolest bunch of Jedi, Ghosts, and Dark Lords on Cartier Crescent to celebrate alongside...

Wards 11 & 12 Plow Ahead at the South Wentworth Plowing Match
Councillor Craig Cassar and I got outside this month to cut our best furrows (with the careful guidance of Al Calder) and enjoy some...

I had the pleasure to join over 230 people to celebrate Latin American Heritage Month at @McMasterU! It was a wonderful event, thank you...

170th Annual Binbrook Fair
This past weekend was the 170th Annual Binbrook Fair (and wow, you didn’t look at day over 30!) Our office staff manned the Ward 11 table...
Glanbrook News August 2023
Glanbrook Community Services Golf Tournament Fundraiser: Saturday September 9: Glanbrook Community Services is hosting their annual golf...
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