Councillor Brenda Johnson will be hosting 2 very informative Community Meetings and the details are below:
Thursday, Nov., 19th – 7pm is the Glanbrook Community Meeting. This meeting will bring you information on the New Binbrook Community Library and also the How & Why’s of traffic lights, stop signs, signals and roundabouts. The Library portion of the meeting will start at 7pm and immediately following will be the Traffic portion of the meeting. This meeting will be held at the Glanbrook Municipal Building, 4280 Binbrook Rd (next to the Glanbrook Arena).
Tuesday, Nov., 24th – 7pm is the Winona Community Meeting. This meeting will bring you information on the New Winona Community Centre and also the How & Why’s of traffic lights, stop signs, signals and roundabouts. The Community Centre portion of the meeting will start at 7pm and immediately following will be the Traffic portion of the meeting. This meeting will be held at the Stoney Creek Municipal Building, 777 Hwy #8 at Jones Road.
New Binbrook Library will be located on the same property at the current Binbrook Library. The existing one will be torn down and replaced with a brand new one. We’d love to know your thoughts on the project and a number of enhancements that are planned as well. It’s your Library, working together we can make it great.
New Winona Community Centre is located on Winona Road at Hwy #8 in Winona and is the former Winona Public School. Staff have done a number of upgrade and changes to the building and all these details will be shared along with upcoming projects still to happen. Recreation staff will also give you the details on the new programs that will be offered starting in January, 2016 and with you the details of the staff that will be working in the building.
This facility will also be available for use by Community Groups with the ability to have designated space if needed. Early Years will be one of the first tenants in the building and is great news for the parents and tots who attend their drop in centres. If your community group is looking to hold meetings or be a part of the facility, try and attend this meeting as all the details will be available.
Traffic How & Why’s?? Have you ever asked why that speed limit is 80K’s or not? Have you questioned why roundabouts? Thought about the problems with traffic lights? Or have you wanted to know how to get a stop sign or some traffic calming things that can help keep your neighbourhood safe? This is the perfect meeting for you. Our City traffic staff will be on hand to explain how they determine such things and you’ll also be able to ask your questions.