Construction of Splash Pad at Fairgrounds Community Park on Fall Fair Way, near the playground equipment.
The City of Hamilton has a contract with Alpine Green Landscaping. to complete works as called for under contract C15-12-13 (P). Construction is scheduled to commence on or about April 8, 2013 and be substantially completed by the end of May 2013
The project involves the completion of hard landscaping including the installation of a splash pad, electrical servicing, an armor stone seat wall, and soft surface landscaping. –
Every effort will be made to do the work in a timely manner and to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. We ask for your patience during this period.
Should you have any questions about this project you can contact Councillor Johnson or any of the following city staff members for more information: • the City’s on-site inspector, Bill Gilchrist 905-546-4313 ..• Hazel Rodrigues, Construction Technician (905) 546-2424, ext. 2438 • Dennis Perusin, Project Manager (905) 546-2424, ext. 2613