Also know formerly as the Stoney Creek Urban Boundary Expansion (SCUBE)
An unofficial community meeting was held onThursday May 23rd, 2013at theStoney CreekMunicipalBuildingand there was an overwhelming number of attended. If you were one of the residents who was unable to attend you can view the maps at theStoney CreekMunicipalBuildingon display in the lobby. We also offer the following information: Study Area The study area consists of the lands east ofFruitland Road, north of Highway No. 8 and south ofBarton Street, includingWinona; and the lands east ofWinona, north of Highway No. 8, south of the QEW and west of the City limits. The study area consists of approximately 504 hectares (1245 acres) of land. Included within this study area are 223 hectares (550 acres) of land added to the Urban Boundary expansion as well as the existing community of Winona (85 hectares/210 acres) and 155 hectares (383 acres) of Provincially designated Greenbelt lands. Although included in the study area, theGreenbelt lands are protected and are not part of the secondary plan.(Note: the Greenbelt lands are not designated urban; they are protected countryside and cannot be developed)
If you would like to view the map and other details electronically, you can go to the City of Hamilton Website or go on the internet and search for Fruitland Winona Secondary Plans. This page includes a number of reports and background details to assist with better understand of the process. For specific planning questions, please contact Alissa Mahood at Alissa.Mahood@hamilton.caThe Public Meeting for the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan is being held on June 4, 2013, at HamiltonCity Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 71 Main Street West, starting at 9:30 am. The purpose of this meeting is to present the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan. Notice of the Public Meeting was published in the Hamilton Spectator “At Your Service” page on May 17, 2013. Comments must be into Vanessa Robicheau by noon on Monday, June 3rd, 2013.
The staff report will be available on and after May 31, 2013, online at and at the City of Hamilton Clerks Department, City Hall, 71 Main Street West, 1st Floor the from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.