Councillor Johnson is pleased with the City’s snow removal service during the first major storm. In some areas of Ward 11, we received a foot and a half of snow and that’s a lot for the first big storm. Lucky for most, that the winds didn’t create serious drifting and whiteouts. City snow plows were on the scene quickly and did a good job clearing the roads in a reasonable period of time. The city has a snow clearing policy and the level of service differs depending on the type of road. City roads are prioritized as a level 1, 2 or 3, with level one being our major artery roads such as the Linc, Red Hill Expressway, escarpment accesses, Centennial Pkway etc., level 2 are like Hwy #56, Hwy #8, roads that are traveled frequently as well and the priority 3 roads are residential roads such as residential developments or less traveled roads. When a storm first hits all plows respond to the priority 1 and then priority 2 roads, when they are under control, they move to the priority 3 roads. Outside of major storms, where there is minimal snow fall (less that 4-5 inches or 10-12.5cm), residential streets may only see a sand/salt mixture and not a plow. It is also common in low snow falls, to see treated sand applied to hills and intersections, when a plow is not fully needed.
Residents are required to clear their sidewalks within 24hours of the end of the snow storm. All owners/occupants are strongly encouraged to be good neighbours by clearing the sidewalks in front of their homes, as well as assisting those who may not be physically able to do so.
When you see Flashing Blue Lights, that indicates a snow removal vehicle. Please slow down and give the snow removal vehicle operators as much room as possible, so they can get the job done quickly and safely.
If you have a Catch Basin near you, please try to keep it clear of snow and ice. A build-up of snow and ice in the catch basin will prevent the proper drainage from occurring during a thaw.
Also, Fire Hydrants can become covered during a snow fall. City Staff try to clear around hydrants after the storm is over, but your assistance can help. Keeping the hydrant exposed, saves valuable time should an emergency happen and firefighters need to access it. If you have a hydrant near you, please try to keep it free of snow.
Parked cars create a lot of problems for snow plows trying to clear the streets. It slows them down and also local streets don’t receive the full benefit of the plow. When a storm comes, please do your best to park your vehicles off the street so the plow can do it’s job.
If you have any questions or would like information of the City Snow Clearing Operations, please feel free to let us know.